dogs at patch’s

Working dogs are part of Australian rural life. They are used on farms to round up sheep and cattle and to keep away predators. When they retire, the lucky ones get to live out their lives on the farm with their caring owner. However, more often than not, working dogs that are too old to work, or have ‘failed’ at their duties are discarded by their owners. Many of them end up dumped. Others meet a less desirable end to their working life. 

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Patch’s has provided a foster home for several unwanted working dogs.

Ruby, Coco and Crystal are three of the lucky residents at Patch’s Sanctuary and we don’t know who is happier and luckier - them or us.

The dogs at Patchs live in harmony with the other residents and are managed consciously, of course, to allow wildlife, including koalas, to also call Patch’s home.

“dogs live Right up until the day they die... They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us. And make our lives a little brighter...”